Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

It is a warm Sunday afternoon and I am helping

Grandma VanCott water her flowers.

It is so fun to splash in the cool water.

I am going to play in the back yard now, see ya!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to School Night

Welcome to my first back to school night!

This is my classroom and there is alot to do here!

I made this picture with my name in glitter for the wall.

This is my cubby hole where I get my notes and homework

I do my reading here.

This is my desk with my name tag, oops I closed my eyes!

There is a Huge bus on the wall and we colored pictures of
ourselves and put them in the windows.
mine is the second one up from where I am pointing.

This is my teacher, Mrs Sherrill
She is GREAT!
I already love her!
Thanks for sharing my evening with me!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School

Well, its the first day of Kindergarten and I had a hard time waking up but now I am awake and ready to go. How do I look?
I have to take my blankee with me but I will leave it in the car.
Here is my new Tinkerbell backpack packed with crayons, pencils, erasers, folders and my first
page of homework. Writing my name.

Grandma VanCott made my new skirt and matching neclace and bracelet. I love them all!

This is my school

It seems very big!
But I cant wait to go in!

This is my friend Paige

We are so silly!

We are standing in line to go into Miss Sherill's classroom

Gotta go, see you later Grandma!

Bye Bye!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Aunt Opal's Dog, Ruby

Say Hi to my Aunt Opal's dog Ruby! She is so quiet and never barks or bites! She just sits there and lets you pet her. We look cute together!

Ruby loves hugs and kisses best!

Meet my Great Aunt Opal. She is always singing or smiling. But she is always HAPPY!

Love you Aunt Opal and Ruby!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Family Reunion

What a fun day at the family party! TJ and I hid in the ivy covered trees and scared away the monsters with our sticks! We chased our tallest cousin, Darrin with our sticks. He was so funny!
Darrin let me ride on his shoulders, I could almost touch the clouds! I was a litte scared though.

These cousins are the Mahe's. We loved chasing around. But we are resting here

I cant remember this ones name but I grabbed hold of her and she is my new friend and cousin

Zap, Pow, our sticks send lightening bolts so watch out!

Thanks for sharing my day with me!