Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our family party in the park 2010

Oops, I got in trouble for dumping red punch down the slide!!! Busted! Mommy and I
I wouldnt come in off the playground to have the family picture done, so I am not in it!!! Sorry

First day of First grade and I am so excited to meet Ms Jorgensen. She will not be my regular teacher because I will be going in the new class in about 3 weeks. I was given a cool dayplanner to keep my homework notes in. I have 3 friends that I knew from before, Logan, Jacey and Zachary. Grandma walked me to school and back home in case the kids I am supposed to walk with forget me, I need to know my way home. I have to walk about a mile along a very busy street! We talked about safety and staying away from the road.

Dont I look cute in my dress from Grandma Lea?

Bye for now!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Miranda's photos of me

These are my favorite pictures, she laid right down in the weeds to get these of me. I love you Miranda!!!